Our objectives
The scientific team of C. MICHAS AEVE meat aims at:
- minimizing health risks caused by contaminated or unsafe meat
- Achieving the highest possible criteria of inspection and supervision by means of consultancy by official offices
- Information and knowledge regarding food safety, hygiene and diet.
- Optimizing dietary values concerning meat consumption
- Minimizing the cost of any failure in meat hygiene
- Customer satisfaction.
C. MICHAS AEVE meat uses and prepares for consumption only the best quality meat and always achieves the high standards demanded by its customers and therefore by the consumers. Our target is to produce goods that satisfy the needs of our customers. We apply new processes of continuous system improvement and prevention of non-compliance. The team of quality testing is always informed about advances in the field of food safety and the management encourages them to attend scientific seminars in Greece and abroad. .
Vision and Strategy
Both the starting point and the final objective of each and every activity in Michas Group are high quality and constant effort of optimization. On this journey, faith in our target, a great sense of responsibility and incessant search for the best constitute the means for the fulfillment of a vision
Όπλα μας είναι:
- Quality
- Reliability
- Single growth
- Development of a group with integrated activities
- Controlled growth rates
- Efficiency increase
What you should know
The nutritional value of frozen food
Fossil findings provide evidence that humans have been consuming meat for several years. Meat has a wide variety of important nutrients, including proteins of high quality (biological value), vitamin D, the vitamin B complex, especially B12, as well as iron, zinc and selenium Consumed in moderation,
meat can be a part of a healthy and balanced diet.
Rich in nutrients
Meat protein is of high quality as it contains a full and well-balanced range of amino acids which are the cornerstone of body growth and development. Proteins are particularly important for kids and teenagers, athletes, pregnant women as well as elderly people recovering after surgery or illness.
Minerals: iron, zinc and selenium
Meat is the main source of iron and generally speaking, the redder it is the more iron it contains. Even if iron exists in many kinds of food, meat and sea food are the main sources of haem iron. This type of iron is absorbed in the body much easier than the iron that exists in vegetables and cereals. Iron is necessary for the production of healthy blood. Iron deficiency can cause tiredness, difficulty with concentration and reduced defense to infections while it is one of the common dietary deficiencies in Europe.
Regular consumption of meat is a way to prevent iron deficiency. Like haem iron, zinc in meat is absorbed and used by the body in a better way than zinc in foodstuff of plant origin, making meat a main source of this inorganic nutrient and one of the most common sources of it in Europe. Zinc is necessary for growth and reproduction as well as for the body defense mechanisms against infections and wound healing.
Meat is also a great source of selenium. The selenium content in the soil of a pasture land defines also the selenium content of the vegetation and the crops that feed the animals and as a consequence their meat content in it. In our bodies there are specific proteins binding to selenium (selenium proteins) that are involved in the antioxidant defense mechanism of our body and the DNA repair.
B12 vitamin
Meat contains a series of vitamins of B complex however, B12 vitamin is extremely important as it can be found in nature in animal products (e.g. meat, milk and dairy products, eggs and sea food). B12 vitamin is necessary for our genetic material, ,DNA, to be built and hence, it helps with many body functions such as the production of healthy blood and the proper functioning of the nervous system. B12 deficiency can cause neurological dysfunctions. Increasing attention has recently been paid to this fact, particularly when it comes to elderly people, due to their insufficient intake and reduced rate of absorbing this vitamin.
Meat fat is a very important energy source of some fat soluble vitamins and of necessary fatty-acids. The types of fats that exist in meat are almost uniformly distributed over saturated and monounsaturated fats. Small percentages of polyunsaturated fatty acids can be found in meat. These are higher in the meat of free-range animals or in the meat of animals which have been fed with a certain type of feed compared to those fed with traditional grain. The total content of fat in meat has been reduced over the years due to animal feed, changes in feeding stuff type as well as the high level of processing before and after the purchase. Cooking methods, as for example grill-like ones, can help more to fat reduction. Lean meat without skin (including poultry without skin) has low saturated fat. Indeed, some parts of meat can have less than 10% fat.
Safe consumption
Most countries nowadays use quality assurance methods which cover all stages of meat production from the farm to the table. They also promote good agricultural practice and food safety. Additionally, current laws could be implemented at a national as well as at an EU level. For example, growth hormones are prohibited in EU while some countries (e.g. Denmark) allow the use of antibiotics only for medical reasons. Moreover, during treatment period animals mustn't be slaughtered until the residues of these substances fall below a specified level.
Safe thawing of frozen foodstuff
Are you well-informed about frozen food?
Over the last years, frozen food consumption has risen dramatically. Frozen food occupies an even more important space in the shopping basket of modern Greek consumer. Contemporary consumers faced with the rapid pace of life and the reduction in their free time try to simplify their daily routine. In this respect, they favor quick meal preparation processes. They search for products that offer the necessary nutrition without simply being a makeshift solution, and are healthy above all. Another aspect which fosters frozen food preference is the wide range of products available regardless of season and contrary to fresh products which are seasonal. Frozen products are used nowadays in creative cooking and in home and professional cuisine as they offer a high quality and great adaptation potential. Many chefs, for example, use exclusively frozen vegetables for a rich variety throughout the year. Frozen products offer all that modern consumer needs nowadays.
Which is the difference between frozen and fresh food?
Are you well-informed about frozen food?
Over the last years, frozen food consumption has risen dramatically. Frozen food occupies an even more important space in the shopping basket of modern Greek consumer. Contemporary consumers faced with the rapid pace of life and the reduction in their free time try to simplify their daily routine. In this respect, they favor quick meal preparation processes. They search for products that offer the necessary nutrition without simply being a makeshift solution, and are healthy above all. Another aspect which fosters frozen food preference is the wide range of products available regardless of season and contrary to fresh products which are seasonal. Frozen products are used nowadays in creative cooking and in home and professional cuisine as they offer a high quality and great adaptation potential. Many chefs, for example, use exclusively frozen vegetables for a rich variety throughout the year. Frozen products offer all that modern consumer needs nowadays.
Which is the difference between frozen and fresh food?
Frozen food matches the quality of fresh food provided that the cold chain has not be broken. Frozen food has a matching quality with fresh food with the proviso that it has been frozen immediately and in the right way and has not been defrosted at all in the intermediate stages of its transportation up to the sale to the consumer. In other words, the cold chain should be maintained completely. Modern freezing processes succeed in keeping the organoleptic properties of food (taste, color, odor) as well as, the principal nutrients it contains. Freezing is a simple and healthy process of conservation. Compared to other conservation processes, it has the advantage that it keeps the product unchanged on taste- and nutrition-related aspects. Products are frozen immediately by frozen food industries and transported within continuous freezing conditions to the freezers of the points of sale. Have you ever wondered how many factors can affect the quality of fresh food? For, example, intense solar radiation, heat or bad conservation often destroy the vitamins and at the same time assist the growth of harmful micro-organisms. On the other hand, food that is frozen immediately has minimal losses of nutrients due to the decreased metabolism of frozen food. Besides, frozen food is totally healthy because frozen food industries do self-control tests on a daily basis under the supervision of qualified staff and all products are subject to a rigorous scrutiny at all stages of their production, processing, storage and transportation in order to reach the consumer in perfect condition. Additionally, frozen food companies apply quality systems and processes (ISΟ, HACCP) which are in accordance with the stricter EU hygiene and safety standards.
How is the freshness of frozen food maintained?
Freezing is a complete natural conservation of foods. Once the product is frozen, every microbiological process able to alter the quality of food stops. Over the last years, frozen food industries have invested huge amounts of money in advanced technology of processing and conserving so as the frozen food produced is as fresh as the raw meat which it belongs.
What is ice crust and what is the use of it?/
Ice crust is a thin layer of icy water which is integrated in the surface of the food through the use of state of the art technology. It provides safeguard by preventing the air (oxygen) to come into contact with the foodstuff, which gradually causes damages like drying. Ice crust allows all the qualitative characteristics of the product to be preserved and ensures a greater life-expectancy. Moreover, it functions as a thermal shield in cases of undesirable instant thawing, for example, if the freezer at the point of sale breaks down.
The nutritional value of frozen food.
It has been demonstrated that frozen food preserves the same nutritional value , taste, color and flavor with fresh food provided that it is frozen immediately, it is not refrosted and the correct cooking conditions are followed.Safe preservation of frozen food at home
Preserving frozen foodstuff when at home is the link of the chain that interests the consumer directly. The way food is preserved must essentially appear on every fridge, depending on the type of fridge that each one has. All modern home freezing machines have international symbols, the stars. The inside of the fridges is either one-star or two-stars compartment. This means that the temperature reaches -6° C and it is suitable for short food preservation (a few days to two weeks time). The three-star compartment in a freezer (***)reaches -18° C and it is suitable for long food preservation (many weeks to months). A four-star home freezer can reach a temperature of -25° C which is suitable for long preservation. The expiry date suggested by the producer and indicated on the packaging of each product signifies its preservation in a three- or four-star compartment.Safe thawing of frozen food
When it is time for cooking, rushed thawing of frozen food should be avoided,( for example under hot water or in the microwave oven)as this leads to a reduction in its quality and flavor. Thawing of frozen food should be made as gently as possible. The safest way of thawing is the one made in the fridge (in the preservation compartment at -4° or -5° C)gradually and not abruptly.
When we want to thaw a piece of frozen meat we should, depending on its size, put it at preservation temperature for at least 12 hours, before cooking time, so as to be thawed throughout homogeneously. This method leads to less loss of the meat fluids, which is an advantage. On the other hand, frozen meat thawing at room temperature leads to its quality damage. The same applies to frozen minced meat.
Frozen fishery products.
Thawing of frozen fishery products should be made in the same way as frozen meat that is, they should be placed at preservation temperature in the fridge at size/time or quantity ratio. Guidance on the correct thawing is stated on the packaged frozen fishery products.
Frozen vegetables.
Frozen vegetables should not be thawed before cooking time but placed directly from the package to the cooking pot. In any case, see the instructions about this procedure on the package of the product.
Frozen dough products.
The safest way of thawing is made in the fridge (in the preservation compartment at -4° or -5° C) gradually and not abruptly. Follow the instructions that appear on the package of the product you chose.
Frozen precooked dishes.
Follow the instructions that appear on the package of the product you chose. In any case, products that have been thawed must not be re-frozen, as this lowers their quality. Besides, this fact is indicated on all packages of frozen foodstuff.
Frozen fishery products (fish, cephalopods and crustaceans)
Generally speaking, seafood has been one of the first types of human diet since primordial times. It is a type of food that is rich in nutrients as it has proteins of high biological value (fish proteins contain 25 amino acids), carbohydrates, fat (omega 3 & 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids), vitamins (Α,Β1,Β2,Β3,C,D), minerals, micro minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iodine, etc.). Sea food is a full-flavored, easy to digest and low calorie diet, an excellent food for all ages and especially for kids.
What should be noticed by the consumer upon buying frozen fish?
With well frozen fish importance should be given to the following:
Crustaceans (shrimps, lobsters, crawfish)
With crustaceans importance should be given to the following:
Cephalopods (octopus, squid, shortfin, cuttlefish)
With cephalopods importance should be given to the following: